Supporting Deaf people and those with acquired hearing difficulties to live independent lives

WINDY - Our Brand-New children's story
Meet Windy! The new West Norfolk Deaf Association mascot.
Windy is a brand-new children's book, available to buy now! It also contains a QR code that links to a BSL-signed and subtitled video so you can watch along with your little ones, and learn the signs.
The book has been written, illustrated & produced by WNDA staff, and all profits go to continuing our work across West Norfolk, for babies to elders, with hearing difficulties.
The book is also available to BUY NOW! Online for only £4.95 + p&p, or from our wonderful bookshop & hearing support centre - No 8 The Old Bookshop

BSL Story Time

A range of wonderful children's stories subtitled and signed in BSL, so all the family can enjoy.
Videos uploaded regularly to YouTube, so be sure to subscribe to our channel to catch the next one!
Kindly funded by the Early Childhood Community Fund